Why Fashion Trends Matter At The Office

Why Fashion Trends Matter At The Office | CorporateFashionista.com

September 5th marks the first official day of Fashion Week, where designers will showcase their Spring 2014 collections. New York jumpstarts this month-long fashion extravaganza, followed by London, Milan and Paris.

Whether you’re obsessed like me with the trends on the runway or the fashion frenzy out-front on the streets, it’s always exciting to see what’s new and fresh. I thought it was also a great opportunity for me to share with you why I believe it’s so important for professionals to wear the latest fashion trends at work (at least the ones that appeal to you).

What you wear is one of the best ways to communicate who you are.

This is especially true on the job. Since we are visual beings, it is critical to wear outfits that reinforce your professional message and career objectives. When you look current and modern, your ideas have a better chance of being perceived as cutting-edge and forward-thinking before you even speak. It’s not about looking frivolous or letting fashion overshadow your professional talents; it’s about using fashion as a business tool to your best advantage. In today’s crowded marketplace, it’s becoming more and more evident how important it is to both be seen and to be heard.

I do not recommend you jump on the bandwagon and look like everyone else at the office wearing this or that trendy trend. It is about being in-the-know, modern and current, in terms of style, but highlighting your distinct visual voice at the same time. There are countless ways to interpret a fashion trend – it is vital to your growing professionalism to appropriately bring your uniqueness to the forefront at work.

Of course, let’s not forget the fun factor! Just incorporating a few flattering fashion trends instantly enlivens you while simultaneously making a powerful, positive professional impact.

Have I changed your opinion of fashion trends in the workplace?

Image credit: Photo by Jason Jean of Joanna Hillman for Citizen Couture. Graphics by Kristina Moore for Corporate Fashionista.

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  1. joanheminway wrote:

    I totally agree on this. Wearing dated fashions send a signal that you and your views also are dated.

    An easy way to implement a trend on a low or modest budget is to update an outfit with the purchase of one or two key separates or accessories. Going “all in” could break the bank!

    Posted 9.4.13
  2. Susan wrote:

    Done well it adds to your credibility, and can be a wonderful conversation starter. It’s especially important for women as they get a bit older. I cringe a little for women whose hairstyles and/or clothes are out of date. People notice, and not in a good way. On the flip side, it’s fun to see what Sheryl Sandberg, Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey wore to a meeting.

    Posted 9.5.13
  3. Anna Runyan wrote:

    I agree. How to dress is one of the most important things to know to get ahead and succeed in our career because we only have less than 5 seconds to make a great first impression!

    Posted 9.11.13